Contributors vii
Foreword ix
Preface xi
1 Mechanics of the Cardiovascular System 1B. Greaney& A.M. Kucia
Overview 1
Basic heart anatomy 1
The cardiac cycle 2
Cardiac output 6
Conclusion 7
2 Regulation of Cardiac and Vascular Function 8B. Greaney& A.M. Kucia
Overview 8
Central nervous system regulation of the cardiovascular system 8
Vasomotor control 9
Baroreceptors 10
Chemoreceptors 10
Humoral control 11
Electrolytes 13
Conclusion 13
3 Cardiac Electrophysiology 15B. Greaney& A.M. Kucia
Overview 15
Cardiac cells 15
The action potential 16
The action potential in non-pacemaker cells 17
The cardiac conduction system 18
The electrocardiogram 20
Conclusion 20
4 The Coronary Circulation 21B. Greaney& A.M. Kucia
Overview 21
The coronary circulation 21
The left main coronary artery 22
The LAD artery 23
The LCX or CX artery 23
The right coronary artery 23
Collateral circulation 23
Microvascular circulation 24
Coronary venous circulation 24
5 Risk Factors for CardiovascularDisease 26A.M. Kucia& E. Birchmore
Overview 26
Classification of risk factors for CVD 26
Biomedical risk factors 27
Behavioural risk factors 32
Psychosocial risk factors 34
Conclusion 35
6 Populations at Risk 39T. Wachtel, R. Webster& J. Smith
Overview 39
Risk factors for CVD 39
Clarifying risk 40
Risk assessment tools 40
Populations at increased risk 41
Targeting treatment 45
Using what we know 46
Conclusion 46
7 Evidence-Based Practice 50D. Evans& T. Quinn
Overview 50
The need for change 50
Evidence-based practice 51
Barriers to the evidence 56
Conclusion 57
8 Ethics of Research in Acute Cardiac Care 59B.F. Williams& A.M. Kucia
Overview 59
Evidence-based medicine and clinical trials 60
Informed consent for trial participation 60
What is an ethical dilemma? 62
Genetic research 63
Considering an offer for the unit to participate in a clinical trial 63
Ethical issues in marketing and pricing of new pharmaceutical agents 64
Conclusion 64
9 Cardiovascular Assessment 67A.M. Kucia& S.A. Unger
Overview 67
Health history 67
Physical examination 70
Conclusion 79
10 Electrocardiogram Interpretation 81A.M. Kucia& C. Oldroyd
Overview 81
Normal sequence of depolarisation and repolarisation 81
Theoretical basis of electrocardiography 83
Determining the cardiac axis 85
Determination of heart rate and electrocardiographic intervals 86
Chamber enlargement 88
Bundle branch block 88
ECG changes related to myocardial ischaemia and infarction 91
Obtaining a 12-lead ECG 94
Conclusion 97
11 Cardiac Monitoring 99A.M. Kucia& C. Oldroyd
Overview 99
ECG monitoring systems and lead formats 100
Indications for arrhythmia monitoring 103
Nursing considerations in the care of the patient with ECG monitoring 103
12 Laboratory Tests 109D. Barrett, L. Jesuthasan& A.M. Kucia
Overview 109
Generic laboratory tests 109
Electrolytes 110
Renal function 110
Glucose measurement 111
Lipid profiles 111
Complete blood examination 111
Clotting screen 112
Biochemical markers 112
Markers of myocardial necrosis 112
Cardiac natriuretic peptides 113
C-reactive protein 114
Conclusion 114
13 Diagnostic Procedures 116L. Belz, K. Mishra, S.A. Unger& A.M. Kucia
Overview 116
Chest X-ray 116
Cardiac catheterisation (angiogram) 118
Echocardiography 124
Stress testing 125
Magnetic resonance imaging 130
Computerised tomography 132
Electrophysiology studies 132
Conclusion 133
14 Sudden Cardiac Death 137T. Quinn& P. Gregory
Overview 137
Definitions 138
Burden of disease and risk factors for SCD 138
Sudden death in the young (including athletes) 139
Structural abnormalities 140
Cardiomyopathies and SCD 141
Genetic syndromes and SCD 141
Conclusion 143
15 Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Automated External Defibrillation 145P. Gregory& T. Quinn
Overview 145
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest 146
Hazards to the victim and rescuer 146
Recognition of cardiac arrest and BLS 147
Automated external defibrillation 149
Conclusion 150
16 Ethical Issues in Resuscitation 152A.M. Kucia& B.F. Williams
Overview 152
Guiding ethical principles in resuscitation 152
Futility 153
Rights of the individual versus the
needs of society 153
Patient perceptions of resuscitation 154
Introducing the DNR conversation 154
Witnessed resuscitation 154
Withdrawal of treatment 156
Organ donation 157
Training and research with the newly dead 157
17 Pathogenesis of Acute Coronary Syndromes 161A.M. Kucia& J.D. Horowitz
Overview 161
Acute coronary syndrome 162
Atherosclerosis 162
Endothelial dysfunction 162
Plaque disruption 162
Inflammation 163
Thrombosis 164
Vasoconstriction 164
Conclusion 164
18 Presentations of Acute Coronary Syndromes 167A.M. Kucia& J.F. Beltrame
Overview 167
Angina pectoris 167
Stable angina 168
The acute coronary syndromes 168
Global trends in ACS presentations 170
Clinical history in ACS 170
Physical examination in ACS patients 172
The 12-lead electrocardiogram in ACS 173
Cardiac markers in ACS 174
Clinical assessment and risk stratification in ACS 174
Conclusion 175
19 Risk Stratification in Acute Coronary Syndromes 178A. Day, C. Ryan& T. Quinn
Overview 178
Introduction 178
Risk stratification 179
Risk stratification guidelines 180
Risk scores 181
Chest pain units 182
Conclusion 183
20 Reducing Time to Treatment 185T. Quinn& A. Day
Overview 185
Benefits of early reperfusion 185
Identifying and addressing delays 186
Conclusion 190
21 Reperfusion Strategies 193C.J. Zeitz& T. Quinn
Overview 193
Pathogenesis of STEMI 193
Principles of reperfusion strategies 194
Options for reperfusion 194
Strategies for reducing treatment time delays 199
Detecting and managing failed reperfusion 199
Preventing and detecting re-occlusion 200
Conclusion 201
22 Adjunct Pharmacological Agents in Acute Coronary Syndromes 204A.M. Kucia& J.D. Horowitz
Overview 204
Anti-ischaemic therapies 205
Antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy 209
Inhibitors of the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system 215
Statins 216
Conclusion 216
23 Arrhythmias 222C. Oldroyd& A.M. Kucia
Overview 222
Basic electrophysiology 223
Mechanisms of arrhythmia generations 223
Cardiac monitoring 225
Rhythm interpretation 225
Determining the rhythm 227
Tachyarrhythmias 232
Asystole 238
Treatment of arrhythmias 239
Conclusion 241
24 In-Hospital Resuscitation 243C. Oldroyd, T. Quinn& P. Whiston
Overview 243
Introduction 244
Prevention: systems for identifying patients at risk of cardiac arrest 245
Early recognition and management of critically ill patients 246
In-hospital resuscitation 248
Working within your scope of practice 250
Audit and data collection 253
Conclusion 253
25 Acute Heart Failure 257T. Quinn
Overview 257
Introduction 257
Establishing the diagnosis 258
Management specifics 261
Refractory AHF 264
Dignity, communication and preventing complications: back to basics 265
Managing chronic heart failure better to reduce the need for re-hospitalisation 266
Conclusion 266
26 Convalescence 269P. Davidson& R. Webster
Overview 269
Introduction 270
Assessment and identification of patient needs 272
High risk groups 272
Promoting self-management in the convalescent phase 272
Particular concerns of spouses and family members 273
Accommodating convalescence and discharge planning following an acute cardiac event 274
Models of intervention to facilitate convalescence and secondary prevention 274
Nursing strategies to promote convalescence 275
Palliative care 276
Conclusion 276
27 Discharge Planning and Secondary Prevention 280R. Webster& P. Davidson
Overview 280
Discharge planning 280
Secondary prevention 281
Provision of secondary prevention 282
Components of secondary prevention 283
Cardio-protective drug therapy 289
Challenges in secondary prevention 290
Conclusion 291
Index 297