Real World Windows 8 App Development with JavaScript offers you practical advice and hard-earned insights that will help you create and publish apps to a worldwide market.
Led by authors with deep Windows 8 app development experience, you’ll learn how to make the most of Microsoft’s APIs for hooking into Windows 8 on all devices, including the core ideas of promises and the asynchronous programming model. You’ll also discover such important tips as how to
Adhere to Windows 8 guidelines for successful app acceptanceExtend the appeal of your app with media, contracts, charms, and user notificationsCapture and work with media, including the ability to play video wirelessly to a televisionManage background processing and file transfersGain visibility for your app and add monetization options
Get the lowdown from authors with experience from the front lines of Windows 8 app development. Theory is all well and good, but when it comes down to it, you can’t beat practical advice from people who’ve been there and done it! You’ll come away from this book with all the tools, ideas, and inspiration you need to create successful Windows 8 JavaScript apps.
Development with JavaScript features real-world examples that emphasize the use of JavaScript and HTML 5 and that also adhere to the stylistic guidelines Microsoft has put in place to maintain a consistent look and feel for all applications on this platform.
The Windows 8 Ethos and EnvironmentGetting the Basics RightIncorporating Layout and ControlsNavigating the Media MazeMaking the Most Out of Charms and ContractsSolving the Printing ProblemProviding Clear NotificationsKeeping Apps Running the the BackgroundMonetizing Your App: The LowdownGetting your App on the Windows Store