The book is intended for students in engineering school or university, young engineers or newcomers in the automotive industry or aeronautics. The objective is to describe in a simple and clear way the problem of energy and motorization for the automobile, helicopters or airplanes. The front-end treatment of these industrial sectors makes it possible to analyze in an original way the similarities and differences of these different means of transport. For this, and based on current technologies and tomorrow, it specifically describes the problem of the energy requirement of cars and aircraft. The result is a search for an ideal motorization associated with the behavior of these different means of transport followed by the analysis of the performances of the various types of engines by covering gas turbines, internal combustion engines and electric motors. Transmission elements such as aerospace gearboxes or gearboxes are described as well as a chapter on energy storage means and their performance including batteries, supercapacitors, inertial or pneumatic storage, hydrogen or fuels from fossil fuels. A final chapter shows the interest and prospects of energy hybridization and electrification for the progressive replacement of fossil fuels. Beyond the technological descriptions, the book focuses on proposing basic sizing rules in order to justify certain performances and to give the reader the means to appropriate the basic know-how of these industrial sectors.
KRYSINSKI Tomasz, Vice President Research and Innovation, Airbus Helicopters MALBURET Francois, Arts and Trades ParisTech (ENSAM), Campus of Aix-en-Provence
Foreword ix
Preface xi
Introduction xv
Chapter 1. Motorization and Reflection on Ideal Engines1
1.1. Motorization for an aircraft 1
1.1.1. Helicopters 1
1.1.2. Aircraft 19
1.1.3. Compound formulas 22
1.2. Motorization for an automobile 25
1.2.1. Determining tractive force and useful power 25
1.2.2. Definition of ideal transportation powertrain 30
1.3. Conclusion 33
Chapter 2. Engine Technologies35
2.1. Introduction 35
2.2. Gas turbines 36
2.2.1. General operating principles 36
2.2.2. Improvement of gas turbines 79
2.3. Electric motors 87
2.3.1. Introduction to electric motors 87
2.3.2. Use of electric motors and mission profile 93
2.3.3. Electric motor technologies for propulsion 101
2.3.4. Examples of specific propulsion systems and applications 105
2.4. Internal combustion engine pistons 111
2.4.1. Theoretical thermodynamic cycles 111
2.4.2. Real cycles 128
2.5. Conclusion 142
Chapter 3. Power Transmission Elements145
3.1. Transmission system for rotating wings 145
3.1.1. Conventional helicopters 145
3.1.2. The case of multi-rotor structures 151
3.2. Transmission system for aircraft 152
3.2.1. Propeller aircraft cases 152
3.2.2. Turbojet aircraft 153
3.3. Transmission system for the automotive industry 154
3.3.1. Gasoline or diesel internal combustion engines 154
3.3.2. The case of electric motors 167
3.4. Conclusion 168
Chapter 4. Energy Storage171
4.1. Classification of energy sources 171
4.1.1. Primary energy sources 171
4.1.2. Energy carrier concept 173
4.1.3. Use of different energy sources in automotive and aeronautical transport 174
4.2. Energy storage for transport 178
4.2.1. Different forms of energy storage 178
4.2.2. Different energy storage technologies 179
4.3. Forms of hydrogen storage 186
4.3.1. Storage in gaseous form 187
4.3.2. Storage in liquid form 188
4.3.3. Storage in solid form 189
4.3.4. Comparison of diesel fuel tanks and automotive batteries 213
4.4. Conclusion 217
Chapter 5. Hybridization219
5.1. Hybridization of electric motors: range extender 221
5.1.1. Application examples for the automotive industry 222
5.1.2. Application examples for aeronautics 229
5.2. Hybridization of combustion engines: improving energy efficiency 232
5.2.1. Interest in parallel hybridization 232
5.2.2. Classification of electrical hybridization: the case of the automobile 234
5.2.3. Implementation of hybridization in the case of the automobile 255
5.3. Conclusion 263
References 265
Index 269