Preface xi
Acknowledgments xiii
About the Editor xvii
Chapter 1: Introduction to Transportation Planning1
I. Introduction 1
II. Organization of This Handbook.2
III. The Transportation Planning Process 3
IV. Changing Context for Transportation Planning 12
V. Additional Sources of Information 14
VI. Summary.15
VII. References 16
Chapter 2: Travel Characteristics and Data17
I. Introduction 17
II. Transportation System Characteristics 17
III. Urban Travel Characteristics 26
IV. Estimating Travel Characteristics and Volumes 35
V. Modal Studies61
VI. Statistical Considerations 67
VII. Summary.71
VIII. References 71
Chapter 3: Land Use and Urban Design75
I. Introduction 75
II. What Drives Development and Resulting Urban Form? 76
III. Urban Form 88
IV. Urban Design 90
V. Land-Use Forecasting and Transportation Planning 95
VI. Scenario Analysis for Urban Form 103
VII. Highway Facility-Related Strategies 104
VIII. Summary 110
IX. References 111
Chapter 4: Environmental Considerations117
I. Introduction 117
II. Environmental Considerations in Transportation Planning and Decision Making 117
III. General Principles Regarding Environmental Content and Level of Detail 130
IV. Land Use and Economic Development Impacts133
V. Social and Community Impacts 139
VI. Natural Resource Impacts 146
VII. Construction Impacts 158
VIII. Considering Mitigation Strategies during the Systems Planning Process 159
IX. Summary 160
X. References 160
Chapter 5: Transportation Finance and Funding165
I. Introduction 165
II. Key Concepts and Terms 166
III. Sources of Transportation Funding 167
IV. Transportation Finance Strategies 175
V. Public/Private Partnerships 178
VI. Investment Programming and Revenue Estimation 182
VII. Environmental Justice Analysis 197
VIII. Future Challenges 199
IX. Summary 200
X. References 200
Chapter 6: Travel Demand and Network Modeling205
I. Introduction 205
II. Modeling Travel Demand 205
III. Demand Models and Tools 214
IV. Summary 233
V. References 233
Chapter 7: Evaluation and Prioritization Methods237
I. Introduction 237
II. Characteristics of the Evaluation Process 237
III. Case Studies 266
IV. Summary 275
V. References 277
Chapter 8: Asset Management281
I. Introduction 281
II. What Is Transportation Asset Management? 282
III. Recent U.S. History of Transportation Asset Management 284
IV. Asset Management and Transportation Planning 291
V. Asset Management Challenges and Opportunities 311
VI. Summary 312
VII. References 312
Chapter 9: Road and Highway Planning317
I. Introduction 317
II. Best Practice for Urban Roadway Systems 318
III. Context-Sensitive Solutions (CSS) 323
IV. Traffic Calming.324
V. Green Roads 328
VI. Complete Streets 330
VII. System Performance and Capacity Measures 333
VIII. Condition Measures and Management Systems 338
IX. State Highway Plans and City Thoroughfare Plans 342
X. Road Investment Programs and Performance Monitoring 348
XI. Summary 350
XII. References 350
Chapter 10: Transportation System Management and Operations355
I. Introduction 355
II. Understanding Network and Facility Performance 357
III. Planning and Organizing for TSM&O 361
IV. Active Transportation and Demand Management 366
V. Examples of Management and Operations (M&O) Strategies 368
VI. Linking Transportation Planning and Planning for Operations 381
VII. Dissemination of Operations Data 400
VIII. The Connected Transportation System 400
IX. Summary 405
X. References 406
Chapter 11: Planning For Parking411
I. Introduction 411
II. Parking Management Organizations 412
III. Zoning Requirements 413
IV. Strategies and Decisions for Parking Supply Options 419
V. Parking Management 428
VI. Parking Demand and Needs Analysis 435
VII. Common Land Uses 450
VIII. Shared Parking Methodology 465
IX. Parking Costs 468
X. Financing Parking Facilities 477
XI. Summary 480
XII. References 481
Chapter 12: Transit Planning485
I. Introduction 485
II. Ownership and Governance 486
III. Contemporary Transit in North America 488
IV. Classification of Transit Modes and Their Components 491
V. Transit Cost Structures 517
VI. System Performance and Quality of Service 519
VII. Transit Planning Procedures 526
VIII. Planning for Passenger Stations 534
IX. Station Design 543
X. Lines and Networks 563
XI. Transit Route Planning 569
XII. Future Transit Issues 573
XIII. Summary 576
XIV. References 576
Chapter 13: Planning For Pedestrians and Bicyclists581
I. Introduction 581
II. Goals and Benchmarks for Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning 582
III. Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety 583
IV. Evolution of Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning in the United States 585
V. Pedestrian and Bicyclist Planning 591
VI. Pedestrian and Bicyclist Planning/Design Issues 616
VII. Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation in Asia and Europe 632
VIII. Summary 634
IX. References 634
Chapter 14: Travel Demand Management641
I. Introduction 641
II. TDM Goals, Objectives, and Performance Measures 644
III. TDM Strategies 646
IV. Potential Impacts of TDM Strategies 667
V. Data, Model Use, and Results 668
VI. Summary 672
VII. References 677
Chapter 15: Statewide Transportation Planning.681
I. Introduction 681
II. The Role of the Federal Government 682
III. Statewide Transportation Planning 685
IV. Statewide Modal Plans723
V. SummaryContinuing State Planning Challenges 725
VI. References 727
Chapter 16: Metropolitan Transportation Planning729
I. Introduction 729
II. Legislative Context for U.S. Metropolitan Transportation Planning 729
III. Institutional Structure for Metropolitan Transportation Planning 735
IV. The Transportation Planning Process 739
V. Monitoring System and Program Performance 762
VI. Public Engagement 762
VII. Special Topics for Metropolitan Transportation Planning 768
VIII. Summary 774
IX. References 775
Chapter 17: Corridor Planning783
I. Introduction 783
II. Nature of Corridor Transportation Planning 783
III. Corridor Selection 796
IV. Corridor Planning Approach 798
V. Corridor Management Plans 832
VI. Summary 836
VII. References 837
Chapter 18: Local and Activity Center Planning841
I. Introduction 841
II. Local Transportation Planning 842
III. Activity Centers 863
IV. Implementation of Transportation Plans 886
V. Summary 887
VI. References 887
Chapter 19: Site Planning and Impact Analysis891
I. Introduction 891
II. Administrative Requirements 893
III. Definition of Key Terms 896
IV. Site Plan Review Data 897
V. Transportation Access and Impact Analysis 899
VI. Analysis Procedures 915
VII. On-Site Transportation Elements 931
VIII. Implementation Actions/Strategies 936
IX. Report Organization 938
X. Summary 939
XI. References 941
Chapter 20: Rural Community and Tribal Nation Planning945
I. Introduction 945
II. Rural Transportation Planning 946
III. Tribal Nations 959
IV. Summary 971
V. References 972
Chapter 21: Recreational Areas975
I. Introduction 975
II. Characteristics of Recreational Travel975
III. Characteristics of Transportation Systems Serving Recreational Areas 977
IV. Transportation-Related Characteristics of Visitors to Recreational Areas 983
V. Transportation Planning for Recreational Areas 984
VI. Need for Information and Communication 1008
VII. Summary 1009
VIII. References.1010
Chapter 22: Integrating Freight Into The Transportation Planning Process1013
I. Introduction 1013
II. Overview of Domestic Freight Flows 1013
III. Impact of Freight Flows on the Community, Freight Sector, and Transportation System 1017
IV. Freight Planning 1027
V. Freight Terminals 1059
VI. Summary 1063
VII. References 1065
Chapter 23: Planning It SafeSafety Considerations In The Transportation Planning Process1069
I. Introduction 1069
II. U.S. National Statistics 1070
III. Institutional and Policy Structure in the United States 1073
IV. Laying the Groundwork for Transportation Safety Planning 1079
V. Incorporating Safety into Transportation Planning 1080
VI. The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) 1104
VII. Relationship between Transportation Safety Planning and Strategic Highway Safety Planning 1105
VIII. Lessons from the International Community 1105
IX. Summary 1107
X. References 1108
Chapter 24: Public Participation and Engagement 1111
I. Introduction 1111
II. What Is the Public Participation Process? 1111
III. Know Your Public and Stakeholders 1116
IV. Public Participation Plan 1120
V. Public Participation Methods and Approaches 1123
VI. Evolving Role of Technology and Social Media 1130
VII. Public Participation and Project Development 1133
VIII. How to Measure Effectiveness 1134
IX. Words of Wisdom 1139
X. Summary 1141
XI. References 1142
Index 1157