Preface ix
Part I Standard Course-Fundamentals and Typical Phenomena 1
1 Fundamentals of EMTP 3
1.1 Function and Composition of EMTP 3
1.1.1 Lumped Parameter RLC 3
1.1.2 Transmission Line 4
1.1.3 Transformer 6
1.1.4 Nonlinear Element 6
1.1.5 Arrester 6
1.1.6 Switch 7
1.1.7 Voltage and Current Sources 7
1.1.8 Generator and Rotating Machine 7
1.1.9 Control 7
1.1.10 Support Routines 7
1.2 Features of the Calculation Method 8
1.2.1 Formulation of the Main Circuit 8
1.2.2 Calculation in TACS 12
1.2.3 Features of EMTP 13
References 16
2 Modeling of System Components 17
2.1 Overhead Transmission Lines and Underground Cables 17
2.1.1 Overhead Transmission LineLine Constants 17
2.1.2 Underground CablesCable Parameters 37
2.2 Transformer 46
2.2.1 SinglePhase Two-Winding Transformer 46
2.2.2 SinglePhase ThreeWinding Transformer 50
2.2.3 ThreePhase OneCore TransformerThree Legs or Five Legs 53
2.2.4 Frequency and Transformer Modeling 55
3 Transient Currents in Power Systems 57
3.1 ShortCircuit Currents 57
3.2 Transformer Inrush Magnetizing Current 60
3.3 Transient Inrush Currents in Capacitive Circuits 62
Appendix 3.A: Example of ATPDraw SheetsData302.acp 64
Reference 64
4 Transient at Current Breaking 65
4.1 ShortCircuit Current Breakings 66
4.2 Capacitive Current Switching 71
4.2.1 Switching of Capacitive Current of a NoLoad Overhead Transmission Line 72
4.2.2 Switching of Capacitive Current of a Cable 75
4.2.3 Switching of Capacitive Current of a Shunt Capacitor Bank 76
4.3 Inductive Current Switching 78
4.3.1 Current Chopping Phenomenon 78
4.3.2 Reignition 79
4.3.3 HighFrequency Extinction and Multiple Reignition 80
4.4 TRV with Parallel Capacitance in SLF Breaking 80
Appendix 4.A: Current Injection to Various Circuit Elements 84
Appendix 4.B: TRV Calculation, Including ITRVCurrent Injection is Applied for TRV Calculation 91
Appendix 4.C: 550 kV Line Normal Breaking 97
Appendix 4.D: 300 kV, 150 MVA Shunt Reactor Current BreakingCurrent
ChoppingReignitionHF Current Interruption 100
References 103
5 Black Box Arc Modeling 105
5.1 Mayr Arc Model 106
5.1.1 Analysis of Phenomenon of ShortLine Fault Breaking 106
5.1.2 Analysis of Phenomenon of Shunt Reactor Switching 110
5.2 Cassie Arc Model 112
5.2.1 Analysis of Phenomenon of Current Zero Skipping 113
Appendix 5.A: Mayr Arc Model Calculating SLF Breaking, 300 kV, 50 kA, L90 Condition 118
Appendix 5.B: Zero Skipping Current Breaking Near GeneratorFault Current Lasting 124
Appendix 5.C: Zero Skipping Current Breaking Near GeneratorDynamic Arc Introduced, Still Nonbreaking 131
6 Typical Power Electronics Circuits in Power Systems 135
6.1 General 135
6.2 HVDC Converter/Inverter Circuits 135
6.3 Static Var Compensator/ThyristorControlled Inductor 140
6.4 PWM SelfCommunicated Type Inverter Applying the Triangular Carrier Wave Shape PrincipleApplied to SVG (Static Var Generator) 142
Appendix 6.A: Example of ATPDraw Picture 147
Reference 148
Part II Advanced Course-Special Phenomena and Various Applications 149
7 Special Switching 151
7.1 TransformerLimited ShortCircuit Current Breaking 151
7.2 Transformer Winding Response to Very Fast Transient Voltage 152
7.3 Transformer Magnetizing Current under Geomagnetic Storm Conditions 156
7.4 FourArmed Shunt Reactor for Suppressing Secondary Arc in SinglePole Rapid Reclosing 159
7.5 Switching FourArmed Shunt Reactor Compensated Transmission Line 162
References 163
8 Synchronous Machine Dynamics 165
8.1 Synchronous Machine Modeling and Machine Parameters 165
8.2 Some Basic Examples 167
8.2.1 NoLoad Transmission Line Charging 167
8.2.2 Power Flow Calculation 169
8.2.3 Sudden ShortCircuiting 172
8.3 Transient Stability Analysis Applying the Synchronous Machine Model 176
8.3.1 Classic Analysis (EqualArea Method) and Time Domain Analysis (EMTP) 176
8.3.2 Detailed Transients by Time Domain Analysis: ATPEMTP 180
8.3.3 Field Excitation Control 183
8.3.4 BackSwing Phenomenon 186
Appendix 8.A: ShortCircuit Phenomena Observation in dq Domain Coordinate 190
Appendix 8.B: Starting as an Induction Motor 193
Appendix 8.C: Modeling by the No. 19 Universal Machine 195
Appendix 8.D: Example of ATPDraw Picture File: Draw8111.acp (Figure D8.1). 197
References 198
9 Induction Machine, Doubly Fed Machine, Permanent Magnet Machine 199
9.1 Induction Machine (Cage Rotor Type) 199
9.1.1 Machine Data for EMTP Calculation 200
9.1.2 Zero Starting 201
9.1.3 Mechanical Torque Load Application 204
9.1.4 Multimachines 206
9.1.5 Motor Terminal Voltage Change 208
9.1.6 Driving by Variable Voltage and Frequency Source (VVVF) 209
9.2 Doubly Fed Machine 212
9.2.1 Operation Principle 212
9.2.2 SteadyState Calculation 213
9.2.3 Flywheel Generator Operation 213
9.3 Permanent Magnet Machine 215
9.3.1 Zero Starting (Starting by Direct AC Voltage Source Connection) 217
9.3.2 Calculation of Transient Phenomena 217
Appendix 9.A: Doubly Fed Machine Vector Diagrams 218
Appendix 9.B: Example of ATPDraw Picture 219
10 Machine Drive Applications 221
10.1 SmallScale System Composed of a Synchronous Generator and Induction Motor 221
10.1.1 Initialization 221
10.1.2 Induction Motor Starting 223
10.1.3 Application of AVR 225
10.1.4 InverterControlled VVVF Starting 226
10.2 Cycloconverter 233
10.3 CycloconverterDriven Synchronous Machine 237
10.3.1 Application of Sudden Mechanical Load 237
10.3.2 Quick Starting of a CycloconverterDriven Synchronous Motor 242
10.3.3 Comparison with the InverterDriven System 245
10.4 Flywheel Generator: Doubly Fed Machine Application for Transient Stability Enhancement 248
10.4.1 Initialization 249
10.4.2 Flywheel Activity in Transient Stability Enhancement 254
10.4.3 Active/Reactive Power Effect 254
10.4.4 Discussion 258
Appendix 10.A: Example of ATPDraw Picture 260
Reference 266
Index 267