Contributors xiii
Preface xv
1. The Problem-Oriented Approach 3Michael D. Lorenz
Part One General (Polysystemic) Problems
2. Pyrexia (Fever) 15Emily L. Medici and Michael D. Lorenz
3. Disturbances of Food Intake: Anorexia and Polyphagia 22Michael D. Lorenz and Paul L. DeMars
4. Episodic Weakness 31Michael D. Lorenz
5. Polyuria and Polydipsia 36Justin D. Thomason and John P. Hoover
Part Two Behavioral Problems
6. Aggression 45Paul L. DeMars
7. Fear, Anxiety, and Compulsive Behavior 48Paul L. DeMars
Part ThreeConformational Problems
8. Ascites, Peripheral Edema, and Abdominal Distention 53T. Mark Neer
9. Retarded Growth 62Michael D. Lorenz
10. Changes in Body Weight: Weight Loss and Obesity 68Paul L. DeMars
Part FourDermatologic Problems
11. Pruritus 77Michael D. Lorenz
12. Primary and Secondary Skin Lesions 82Michael D. Lorenz
13. Alopecia 87Michael D. Lorenz
14. Disorders of Pigmentation 93Michael D. Lorenz
Part FiveHematolymphatic Problems
15. Bleeding Disorders 101James H. Meinkoth and Michael D. Lorenz
16. Lymphadenopathy 110Michael D. Lorenz
Part SixCardiovascular Problems
17. Disturbances of Heart Rate, Rhythm, and Pulse 115Nicole Ponzio
18. Murmurs and Abnormal Heart Sounds 134Nicole Ponzio
19. Abnormal Mucous Membranes 151Jennifer L. Peters
Part SevenRespiratory Problems
20. Coughing and Hemoptysis 159Justin D. Thomason and John P. Hoover
21. Respiratory Distress and Cyanosis 166Justin D. Thomason and John P. Hoover
22. Syncope 173Justin D. Thomason and John P. Hoover
23. Abnormal Lung Sounds 179Justin D. Thomason and John P. Hoover
24. Sneezing and Nasal Discharge 183Jennifer L. Peters
Part EightDigestive Problems
25. Ptyalism 197Jill D. Brunker
26. Dysphagia 202Jill D. Brunker
27. Regurgitation and Vomiting 207Jill D. Brunker
28. Diarrhea 213Jill D. Brunker
29. Constipation and Flatulence 226Michael D. Lorenz
30. Abdominal Pain 231Kristy Broaddus
31. Icterus 235T. Mark Neer
Part NineUrologic Problems
32. Abnormal Micturition: Dysuria, Pollakiuria, and Stranguria 255Paul L. DeMars
33. Discolored Urine 258Mary H. Bowles and Michael D. Lorenz
34. Urinary Incontinence 274Mary H. Bowles
Part Ten Reproductive Problems
35. Vaginal and Preputial Discharge 287Charles C. Broaddus and G. Reed Holyoak
36. Abnormalities of the External Genitalia 293Chris Schreiber and Gregor L. Morgan
37. Abortion, Abnormal Estrous Cycle, and Infertility 301G. Reed Holyoak, Chelsea Makloski, and Gregor L. Morgan
Part ElevenMusculoskeletal Problems38. Lameness 319T. Mark Neer
39. Bone, Joint, and Periskeletal Swelling 327Jude Bordelon
40. Nociception (Pain) 336Michael D. Lorenz and Marjorie E. Gross
Part Twelve Neurologic Problems
41. Paresis or Paralysis 345T. Mark Neer
42. Ataxia 357T. Mark Neer
43. Head Tilt 362T. Mark Neer
44. Collapse (Seizures, Syncope, Cataplexy, and Narcolepsy) 369T. Mark Neer
45. Stupor and Coma 377T. Mark Neer
Part ThirteenSpecial Sensation Problems
46. Blindness 385Michael D. Lorenz and Margi A. Gilmour
47. Anisocoria 390Margi A. Gilmour
48. Nystagmus and Strabismus 396Michael D. Lorenz
49. Loss of Corneal Transparency 400Margi A. Gilmour
50. Abnormal Anterior Chamber 406Margi A. Gilmour
51. Abnormal Lens 412Margi A. Gilmour
52. AnosmiaLoss of Olfaction 417Michael D. Lorenz
53. Deafness 420Michael D. Lorenz
Part FourteenLaboratory-Defined Problems
54. Hematologic Problems 427Robin W. Allison
55. Abnormalities of the Standard Biochemical Profile 438Robin W. Allison, James H. Meinkoth, and Theresa E. Rizzi
56. Problems Identified on Urinalysis 461James H. Meinkoth
57. Abnormal Blood pH, Anion Gap, and Blood Gases 474Theresa E. Rizzi
Index 483