Notes on Contributors viii
Acknowledgments xix
Editors Introduction xx
Part I Mediated Women 1
1 The Geography of Women and Media Scholarship 3Carolyn M. Byerly
2 Chilean Women in Changing Times: Media Images and Social Understandings 20Claudia Bucciferro
3 The Girls of Parliament: A Historical Analysis of the Press Coverage of Female Politicians in Bulgaria 35Elza Ibroscheva and Maria Stover
4 Gossip Blogs and Baby Bumps: The New Visual Spectacle of Female Celebrity in Gossip Media 53Erin Meyers
5 Fanfiction and Webnovelas: The Digital Reading and Writing of Brazilian Adolescent Girls 71Ilana Eleá
6 Virtually Blonde: Blonde Jokes in the Global Age and Postfeminist Discourse 88Limor Shifman and Dafna Lemish
Part II Rugged Masculinity and Other Fables 105
7 Men, Masculinities, and the Cave Man 107Jeffery P. Dennis
8 Rhetorical Masculinity: Authoritative Utterance and the Male Protagonist 118Stuart Price
9 Conan the Blueprint: The Construction of Masculine Prototypes in Genre Films 135Guido Ipsen
10 Save the Cheerleader, Save the Males: Resurgent Protective Paternalism in Popular Film and Television after 9/11 157Sarah Godfrey and Hannah Hamad
11 Fucking Vito: Masculinity and Sexuality in The Sopranos 174Lynne Hibberd
12 Selling Cosmetics to Men and Reconstructing Masculine Identity 189Claire Harrison
Part III Queering the Pitch 205
13 No Hard Feelings: Reflexivity and Queer Affect in the New Media Landscape 207Katherine Sender
14 The L Word: Producing Identities through Irony 226Julie Scanlon
15 Andro- phobia?: When Gender Queer is too Queer for L Word Audiences 241Rebecca Kern
16 Questioning Queer Audiences: Exploring Diversity in Lesbian and Gay Mens Media Uses and Readings 260Alexander Dhoest and Nele Simons
17 In Touch with the Female Body: Cinema, Sport, and Lesbian Representability 277Katharina Lindner
18 Why Doesnt your Compass Work?: Pirates of the Caribbean, Fantasy Blockbusters, and Contemporary Queer Theory 294Martin Fradley
19 Raised Voices: Homophobic Abuse as a Catalyst for Coming Out in US Teen Television Drama Series 313Susan Berridge
20 Transmen on the Web: Inscribing Multiple Discourses 326Matthew Heinz
21 Transgendered Saints and Harlots: Reproduction of Popular Brazilian Transgender Stereotypes through Performance on Stage, on Screen, and in Everyday Life 344Johannes Sjöberg
Part IV Women, Men, and Gender 363
22 Sex/Gender and the Media: From Sex Roles to Social Construction and Beyond 365Cynthia Carter
23 Colin Wont Drink out of a Pink Cup 383Barbara Mitra and Jenny Lewin- Jones
24 Postfeminism Meets Hegemonic Masculinities: Young People Read the Knowing Wink in Advertising 401Sue Abel
25 Communication as Commodification: Video Technology and the Gendered Gaze 419Corinna Chong, Heather Molyneaux, and Hélène Fournier
26 Dutch Moroccan Girls Performing their Selves in Instant Messaging Spaces 436Koen Leurs and Sandra Ponzanesi
Part V All about Sex 455
27 Sex and the Media 457Feona Attwood
28 Deliciously Consumable: The Uses and Abuses of Irony in Sex-Trafficking Campaign Films 470Jane Arthurs
29 The Sex Inspectors: Self-help, Makeover, and Mediated Sex 487Laura Harvey and Rosalind Gill
30 Enacting Bodies: Online Dating and New Media Practices 502Begonya Enguix and Elisenda Ardévol
31 Gender and Sexuality in the Internet Era 516Panayiota Tsatsou
32 Gay for Pay: The Internet and the Economics of Homosexual Desire 535John Mercer
Index 552