InhaltsangabeForeword. Preface. Contributing Authors. Chapter 1 Three-Membered Carbocycles. 1.1 Freund Reaction. 1.2 Kishner Cyclopropane Synthesis. 1.3 Kulinovich Cyclopropanol Synthesis. 1.4 SimmonsSmith Reaction. Chapter 2 Four-Membered Carbocycles. 2.1 Staudinger Ketene Cycloaddition. Chapter 3 Five-Membered Carbocycles. 3.1 Danheiser Annulation. 3.2 Dieckmann Condensation. 3.3 Favorskii Rearrangement. 3.4 Nazarov Cyclization. 3.5 PausonKhand Reaction. 3.6 WeissCook Reaction. Chapter 4 Six-Membered Carbocycles. 4.1 BardhanSengupta Pheantherene Synthesis. 4.2 Bergman Cyclization. 4.3 BogertCook Reaction. 4.4 Bradsher Cycloaddition and Bradsher Reaction. 4.5 Bradsher Reaction. 4.6 Darzens Synthesis of Tetralin Derivatives. 4.7 DielsAlder Reaction. 4.8 Dötz Benzannulation. 4.9 Elbs Reaction. 4.10 Fujimoto-Belleau Reaction. 4.11 Haworth Reaction. 4.12 Moore Cyclization. 4.13 MyersSaito Cyclization. 4.14 Robinson Annulation. 4.15 Scholl Reaction. Chapter 5 Large-Ring Carbocycles. 5.1 Buchner Reaction. 5.2 de Mayo Reaction. 5.3 Ringclosing Metathesis (RCM). 5.4 ThorpeZiegler Reaction. Chapter 6 Transformations of Carbocycles. 6.1 Blanc Chloromethylation Reaction. 6.2 Asymmetric Friedel-Crafts Reactions: Past to Present. 6.3 HoubenHoesch Reaction. 6.4 KolbeSchmitt Reaction. 6.5 Vilsmeier-Haack Reaction. 6.6 von Richter Reaction. Appendices. 1 Contents Volume 1: Name Reactions in Heterocyclic Chemistry. 2 Contents Volume 2: Name Reactions for Functional Group Transformations. 3 Contents Volume 3: Name Reactions for Homologations--Part I. 4 Contents Volume 4: Name Reactions for Homologations--Part II. 5 Contents Volume 6: Name Reactions in Heterocyclic Chemistry--Part II. Subject Index.
JIE JACK LI is a chemist at Bristol-Myers Squibb Company in Wallingford, Connecticut. He has authored or edited various books, including Name Reactions in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Name Reactions for Functional Group Transformations, Name Reactions for Homologations, Parts I and II, Contemporary Drug Synthesis, The Art of Drug Synthesis, and Modern Drug Synthesis, all published by Wiley.