Over the years 1984 to 1989, we published a series of articles on the molding of thermoplastics, and of thermosetting materials, in the monthly magazine British Plastics and Rubber (B P & R). These articles were very well received and we also received a large number of requests for reprints. The articles were also translated into languages other than English. In order to cater for what is obviously a need in both the ther moplastics, and the thermosetting, molding industries, we there fore brought the information together and produced it in book form. To make the material easier to handle we produced it in the form of several books and this is one of them. We can only hope that the information so presented, serves you well and that you find the information useful. We in turn would like to thank the editor of the magazine B P & R for helping us in this matter. Thanks are also due to our many friends and colleagues throughout the molding industry for their useful help and advice: in particular, the company Moldflow (Europe) limited deserve a special mention as they allowed us to extract information from their extensive data base.
InhaltsangabePlastics and polymers.- Injection molding of thermoplastics.- Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA).- High density polyethylene (HDPE).- Low density polyethylene (LDPE).- Linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE).- Polypropylene (PP).- Rubber modified polypropylene (PP-EPDM)).- Plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PPVC).- Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC).- List of tables.- 1 Some names and abbreviations of plastics and elastomers.- 2a Letters used to modify abbreviations for plastics (ISO and ASTM).- 2b Commonly-used letters used to modify abbreviations for plastics (i.e. in addition to table 2a).- 2c Symbols used for fillers and/or reinforcing materials.- 3 Some abbreviations and trade names of plastics.- 4 Some trade names, abbreviations and suppliers of polymers and polymer compounds.- 5 Water absorption and drying conditions.- 6 Heat contents of some molding materials.- 7 Approximate price of materials relative to a general purpose grade of PS (GPPS = 1.00).- 8 Densities and approximate costs of materials.- 9 Material properties.- 10 Temperature conversion.