Multivariate public key cryptosystems (MPKC) is a fast-developing new area in cryptography. In the past 10 years, MPKC schemes have increasingly been seen as a possible alternative to number theoretic-based cryptosystems such as RSA, as they are generally more efficient in terms of computational effort. As quantum computers are developed, MPKC will become a necessary alternative.
Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems systematically presents the subject matter for a broad audience. Information security experts in industry can use the book as a guide for understanding what is needed to implement these cryptosystems for practical applications, and researchers in both computer science and mathematics will find this book a good starting point for exploring this new field. It is also suitable as a textbook for advanced-level students. Written more from a computational perspective, the authors provide the necessary mathematical theory behind MPKC; students with some previous exposure to abstract algebra will be well-prepared to read and understand the material.
Overview.- Matsumoto-Imai Cryptosystems.- Oil-Vinegar Signature Schemes.- Hidden Field Equations.- Internal Perturbation.- Triangular Schemes.- Direct Attacks.- Future Research.