Infrastructure Systems for Nuclear Energy


Erschienen am 02.12.2013, Auflage: 1/2013
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781118536261
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 576 S., 46.72 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Developing sufficient energy resources to replace coal, oil and gas is a globally critical necessity. Alternatives to fossil fuels such as wind, solar, or geothermal energies are desirable, but the usable quantities are limited and each has inherent deterrents. The only virtually unlimited energy source is nuclear energy, where safety of infrastructure systems is the paramount concern.

Infrastructure Systems for Nuclear Energy addresses the analysis and design of infrastructures associated with nuclear energy. It provides an overview of the current and future nuclear power industry and the infrastructure systems from the perspectives of regulators, operators, practicing engineers and research academics. This book also provides details on investigations of containment structures, nuclear waste storage facilities and the applications of commercial/academic computer software.

Specific environments that challenge the behavior of nuclear power plants infrastructure systems such as earthquake, blast, high temperature, irradiation effects, soil-structure interaction effect, etc., are also discussed.

Key features:

Includes contributions from global experts representing academia and industryProvides an overview of the nuclear power industry and nuclear infrastructure systemsPresents the state-of-the-art as well as the future direction for nuclear civil infrastructure systems

Infrastructure Systems for Nuclear Energy is a comprehensive, up-to-date reference for researchers and practitioners working in this field and for graduate studies in civil and mechanical engineering.


Thomas Hsu, University of Houston is Moores Professor of Civil Engineering in the department of civil and environmental engineering at the University of Houston. Professor Hsu has been Principal and Co-Principal Investigator on funded projects for over 30 years, and has received project funding amounting to over $3.5 million. He established the University of Houston's Structural Research Laboratory, and his research work has formed the basis for the shear and torsion design provisions in the American concrete Institute Building Code. He has won numerous awards for his teaching and research, and has authored or edited 4 books on reinforced concrete

Jui-Liang Lin, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), Taiwan, is an associate researcher with NCREE, Taiwan

Chiun-lin Wu, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), Taiwan, is an associate researcher with NCREE, Taiwan


List of Contributors xv

Preface xix

Acronyms xxi

1 Introduction 1 Thomas T. C. Hsu, Chiun-Lin Wu, and Jui-Liang Lin


2 Current Status and Future Role of Nuclear Power 19 Philip G. Tipping

3 Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants 35 Yin-Nan Huang and Andrew S. Whittaker

4 Seismic Abatement Method for Nuclear Power Plants and Seismic-Isolation Systems for Structural Elements 51 Evgeny Kurbatskiy

5 Framework for Design of Next-Generation Base-Isolated Nuclear Structures 63 Eric Keldrauk, Michael Mieler, Bo¡zidar Stojadinovic, and Per Peterson

6 Development of Nuclear Energy in Taiwan 77 Hwai-Chiung Hsu

7 Regulatory Challenges on Safety of Nuclear Power Plants in Taiwan 85 Chuen-Horng Tsai, Yi-Bin Chen, Shin Chang, Wen-Chun Teng, Ching-Hui Wu, Gung-Min Ho, Ta-Kang Hsiung, Syh-Tsong Chiou, and Wen-Chuan Chen

8 Concrete Properties, Safety, and Sustainability of Nuclear Power Plant Infrastructures: New Tools and Themes for Future Research 103 Jacky Mazars, Bruno Capra, Alain Rouquand, and Christophe Pontiroli

9 Small Modular Reactors: Infrastructure and Other Systems 127 David Diamond


10 Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures in Japan: NPP Facilities and High-Rise Buildings 135 Tetsuo Kubo

11 Nonlinear Modeling of 3D Structural Reinforced Concrete and Seismic Performance Assessment 153 Koichi Maekawa and Naoyuki Fukuura

12 Shear Ductility and Energy Dissipation of Reinforced Concrete Walls 185 Thomas T. C. Hsu

13 Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Elements Subjected to Tri-Directional Shear Stresses 203 Moheb Labib, Yashar Moslehy, and Ashraf Ayoub

14 Pre-Stressed Concrete Containment Structural Design in China 227 Zufeng Xia

15 Steel Plate Concrete Walls for Containment Structures in Korea: In-Plane Shear Behavior 237 Sung-Gul Hong, Seung-Joon Lee, and Myung-Jae Lee

16 Lessons Learned from Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPP after Niigataken Chuetsu-Oki Earthquake (2007) in View of SSI Effect 259 T. Nishikawa, H. Inoue, S. Motohashi, and K. Ebisawa

17 Blast, Shock, and Impact Hazards to Nuclear Structures 277 Theodor Krauthammer

18 History of Shear Design Provisions in the ASME/ACI Code for Concrete Reactor Vessels and Containments 287 Ralph G. Oesterle, W. Gene Corley, and Ahmed Elremaily

19 US NRC Requirements for Containment Structure Design 307 John S. Ma, Bret A. Tegeler, and Brian E. Thomas


20 FE Program SCS for Analyzing Wall-Type Concrete Structures 321 Y.L. Mo, Padmanabha Rao Tadepalli, Norman Hoffman, and Thomas T.C. Hsu

21 Modeling and Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant Structures Using ANATECH-ANACAP Software System 345 Joseph Y.R. Rashid, Randy J. James, and Robert S. Dunham

22 SASSI FE Program for Seismic Response Analysis of Nuclear Containment Structures 365 Mansour Tabatabaie

23 FE Program LS-DYNA for Analysis of NPP Structures Including Seismic SoilStructure Interaction 387 Ushnish Basu

24 FE Program ATENA for Safety Assessment of NPP Containments 397 Jan Cervenka and Vladimir Cervenka


25 Properties of Concrete Required in Nuclear Power Plants 409 Patrick Bamonte and Pietro G. Gambarova

26 Concrete under High Temperature 439 Kaspar Willam, Yunping Xi, and Daniel J. Naus

27 Irradiation Effects on Concrete Structures 459 Osamu Kontani, Yoshikazu Ichikawa, Akihiro Ishizawa, Masayuki Takizawa, and Osamu Sato

28 Activities in Support of Continuing the Service of Nuclear Power Plant Safety Related Concrete Structures 475 D. J. Naus 29 Spent Nuclear Fuel Final Disposal in Taiwan 497 Y. C. Peng

30 Safety Features of Dry Storage System at Chinshan Nuclear Power Plant 503 Yuhao Huang

31 Seismic Consequence Modeling for the Yucca Mountain Repository Project 519 Stanley A. Orrell and Charles Bryan References 533

Index 535

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